The Saskatoon Community Service Village is committed to bettering the lives of everyone in our community. Housing only non-profit organizations, our mission is to enhance the quality of life and services for the community. Our tenants work in all facets of the community, and offer diverse perspectives accompanied with a compassionate approach.

We’re a living example of a how an effective partnership leads to increased capacity to serve more citizens with innovative and integrated care. The Village is a meeting place where the people of our community work together to build a stronger, healthier, more vibrant city.

Colocation and collaboration are the core tenants to our success. Every agency at the Village benefits from:

  • Joint programming, planning and policy dialogue
  • Space, equipment and technology sharing
  • Human Resources benefits
  • Building design and central location
  • Broad community partnerships and community leadership
  • Mentorship and incubation

The Saskatoon Community Service Village is a vibrant, collaborative centre, which enhances capacity for individual, organizational and community well-being. Through collaboration, cooperation, sharing of resources, social responsibility and mutual respect, members seek effective and sustainable means to provide quality community service.

It Takes a Village. It Takes Our Village

Our centralized space houses seven community organizations working with people of all stripes—those seeking employment, computer skills and GED training, parents and families, sexual assault survivors, individuals and families in crisis, individuals and families affected by poverty, substance abuse and violence. Incorporated as a non-profit with charitable status the Village houses only non-profit organizations.

The six founding agencies of the Village launched with a single goal we still strive for today: increasing the value of our combined resources and the ability to serve clients. The benefits of colocation are many, including easier access to services for the community and resource sharing, and have resulted in increased efficiency.

The Village is an example of effective partnering that demonstrates increased capacity to serve a wider range of clients with innovative and more integrated services. It is a meeting place for residents of Saskatoon, where all can work together to build a stronger and more vibrant community.

Read: A Co Location Study by Marcia Clark